Sunday, December 29, 2019

Definition and Examples of Agents in English Grammar

In  contemporary  English grammar, the agent is the noun phrase or pronoun that identifies the person or thing which  initiates or performs an action in a sentence. Adjective:  agentive. Also called actor. In a sentence in the active voice, the agent is usually (but not always) the subject (Omar selected the winners). In a sentence in the passive voice, the agent—if identified at all—is usually the object of the  preposition  by (The winners were selected by Omar).The relationship of the subject and verb is called agency. The person or thing that receives an action in a sentence is called the recipient or patient (roughly equivalent to the traditional concept of object). Etymology From the Latin agere, to set in motion, drive forward;  to do Example and Observations Broadly the term [agent] can be used in relation to both transitive and intransitive verbs. . . . Thus the old lady is the agent both in The old lady swallowed a fly  (which can be described in terms of actor-action-goal), and in The fly was swallowed by the old lady. The term can also be applied to the subject of an intransitive verb (e.g. Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper).The term clearly makes more sense when restricted to a doer who, in a real sense, initiates an action, than when applied to the subject of some mental process verb (e.g. She didnt like it) or of a verb of being (e.g. She was old). Some analysts, therefore, restrict the term, and would not apply it to the noun phrase the old lady if her action was unintentional and involuntary.(Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, and Edmund Weiner,  The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014)   The Semantic Roles of Agents and Patients Though semantic roles influence the grammar profoundly, they are not primarily grammatical categories. . . . [F]or example, if in some imagined world (which may or may not correspond to objective reality), someone named Waldo paints a barn, then Waldo is acting as the AGENT (the initiator and controller) and the barn is the PATIENT (the affected participant) of the painting event, regardless of whether any observer ever utters a clause like Waldo painted the barn to describe that event.(Thomas E. Payne, Understanding English Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 2011) Subject and Agents Sentences in which the grammatical subject is not the agent are common. For instance, in the following examples the subjects are not agents because the verbs do not describe an action: My son has a very good memory for songs; This lecture was a bit special; It belongs to her mum and dad.(Michael Pearce, The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Routledge, 2007) Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.(W. C. Fields, You Cant Cheat an Honest Man, 1939)Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.(George Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945)I write entirely to find out what Im thinking, what Im looking at, what I see and what it means.(Joan Didion, Why I Write. The New York Times Book Review, December 6, 1976)Mr. Slump hit the horses twice with a willow branch.(Grace Stone Coates, Wild Plums. Frontier, 1929)Henry Dobbins, who was  a big man, carried extra rations; he was especially fond of canned peaches in heavy syrup over pound cake.(Tim OBrien, The Things They Carried.  Houghton Mifflin,  1990)When I was two years old my father took me  down to the beach in New Jersey, carried me into the surf until the waves were crashing onto his chest, and then threw me in like a dog, to see, I suppose, whether I would sink or float.(Pam Houston,  Waltzing the Cat.  Norton, 1997)  Early in the  20th century,  parasols of lace lined   with chiffon or silk, or in chiffon and moirà © silk often matching the dress, with exquisite handles of gold, silver, carved ivory or wood with jeweled knobs, were carried by women.(Joan Nunn,  Fashion in Costume, 1200-2000, 2nd ed. New Amsterdam Books, 2000)  Walter was kicked by a mule. The Invisible Agent in Passive Constructions In many situations, . . . the purpose of the passive is simply to avoid mentioning the agent:It was reported today that the federal funds to be allocated for the power plant would not be forthcoming as early as had been anticipated. Some contracts on the preliminary work have been canceled and others renegotiated.Such officialese or bureaucratese takes on a nonhuman quality because the agent role has completely disappeared from the sentences. In the foregoing example, the reader does not know who is reporting, allocating, anticipating, canceling, or renegotiating.   (Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1998)The function served by a passive—that of defocusing an agent  (Shibatani 1985)—is useful in a variety of circumstances. The agents identity my be unknown, irrelevant, or best concealed (as when Floyd merely says The glass was broken). Often the agent is generalized or undifferentiated (e.g. The environment is being seriou sly degraded). Whatever the reason, defocusing the agent leaves the theme as the only, and thus the primary, focal participant. (Ronald W. Langacker, Cognitive Grammar: A Basic Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008) Pronunciation: A-jent

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Othello Research Paper - 1962 Words

Literary Madness Far more advanced for his time period, Shakespeare’s talent went unrecognized in the category of not just literature, but psychology as well. During the Elizabethan time period, it was unaware that a human could have psychological defects, let alone have characters who express these faults in a play. Shakespeare’s Othello was produced with two of the main characters having significant behavioral disorders. With a changing motive, the antagonist Iago expresses the symptoms of a narcissist and a sociopath by manipulating the protagonist Othello with lies about his wife. The infected Othello becomes caught up in Iago’s deception which causes him to show the traits of having low serotonin levels and appears to be going†¦show more content†¦Deep desire to be at the center of things is served by extreme self-confidence, a combination that makes narcissists attractive and even charming (Woods 256). Other symptoms can be expressed as two-faced, manipulative, sed uctive, and hypocritical (Kanter 121). The cause of these thoughts in humans has to do with an improperly working ego. There was a common theme on a general cause of this disorder which was, early transition into the real world fails in some way, leading the person to remain, at least in part, in the early self-focused. The Narcissist fails to learn regard for other people, situations, or entities (Kanter 123). Iago expressed the qualities of a diagnosed Narcissist throughout the entire play. With a need for approval, he went unfulfilled when Othello promoted Cassio instead of himself. In order to get back at Othello he plotted against him. Always appearing as trustworthy, Iago tricked Othello into believing his lies. Also throughout the play there was always a lack of empathy towards the destruction of Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. These symptoms clearly identify Iago as a certified narcissist. The second psychological disorder associated with Iago is sociopathic. The symptoms of a sociopath are described as â€Å"complete disregard for other’s rights, generally physically aggressive, difficult to stay in relationships, a lot of intelligence and charm. They may seem mellow and friendly but these qualities are artificial and used byShow MoreRelatedOthello Research Paper1226 Words   |  5 PagesCarly Niedert Dr. Helen Davis English 120 1 December 2011 Othello In the play Othello written by Shakespeare, the issue of racism is addressed. Othello, the protagonist of the play, is African American or black. â€Å"According to Lois Whitney, many of Othello’s specific attributes probably derive from Shakespeare’s reading of Leo Africanus, whose Geographical Historie of Africa which was translated and published in London in 1600†(Berry, 1990). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Cyber Bullying Is the Fastest Growing Trend in Bullying Free Essays

Cyber bullying is the fastest growing trend in bullying among teens and probably the most dangerous. It gives anonymity to those who don’t want people to actually see them bullying in school. Also, cyber bullying takes away the last sanctuary some of these kids have, their home. We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Bullying Is the Fastest Growing Trend in Bullying or any similar topic only for you Order Now What an awful feeling that must be, to come home from a day of being picked on just to be picked on more via internet. Cyber bullying can come in many ways: text message, email, website, blogs, They can be pictures taken from a camera phone sent to many people to see. Teens spend a lot of time on the internet using social websites like, Myspace and Facebook. These are places where a kid can kind of reinvent himself and exert a little creativity. A place to â€Å"get away† and when those things are taken away the results can be disastrous. This was a difficult paper for me to write. I tend to be an empathetic person and reading all of the horrible stories about children taking their own lives and suffering all that abuse really broke my heart. I, like most people, experienced bullying in middle school and it still bothers me today. I wish there was a way to stop all bullying but over half of bullying incidents go unreported. It is terribly sad that millions of children suffer every day at the hands of bullies. These poor souls can go their entire lives living in fear and feeling completely weakened and insufficient. I know first hand the damage caused when a depressed person takes his own life. Learned Helplessness is a lie. There is always a way out, always steps that can be taken. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If only we could get these bullied kids to see that they aren’t alone and that they are capable, wonderful kids. They need to understand that their identity is not defined by these heartless and cruel actions. We may not be able to stop the bullying but we can certainly diminish the lasting effects. I tutor a 5 year old that struggles with being picked up. They make fun of the way his head is shaped and it is horribly remarkable how fast he has become sensitive about the way he looks. Some days you can see the defeat in his eyes and in the way that he moves. It is heart breaking. I am going to close with a poem written by a 14 year old girl whose best friend committed suicide as a result of being bullied. How to cite Cyber Bullying Is the Fastest Growing Trend in Bullying, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Indian Market free essay sample

This report deals with oral market of India especially the mouthwash sector. the various aspect of marketing and research and development of mouthwash product are discussed in detail. INTRODUCTION (COSMETIC MARKET) According to to a research RNCOS industrial research-The rising beauty concerns among both men and women are propelling the Indian cosmetics industry, which has witnessed a strong growth in the last few years. The country’s cosmetic sector has, in fact, emerged as one of the markets holding immense growth potential. New product launches catering to consumers’ growing requirements will fuel growth in the industry, for which the future outlook seems exceptionally bright. According to our latest research report, the Indian cosmetics market registered impressive sales worth INR 264. 1 Billion in 2011, and with rising purchasing power and growing fashion consciousness, the industry is estimated to expand at a CAGR of around 17% during 2011-2015. Their new research report, â€Å"Indian Cosmetic Sector Forecast to 2015†, sees that the Indian cosmetics industry holds promising growth prospects for both existing and new players. We have specifically studied the trends, pertaining to cosmetic products, among male and rural population which will help consultants, industry analysts, and vendors understand the direction in which the industry is moving. During the consumer behavior analysis, we observed that consumers are increasingly shifting towards ‘natural’ and ‘herbal’ cosmetic products as they are associated with bio-active ingredients and safe for human skin. In addition to this, we found that women are spending more on cosmetics as they are actively earning and spending money on grooming themselves. Besides, rural india is also showing its willingness to look attractive. We also studied the prospects of various segments, including hair care, skin care, oral care, fragrance and color cosmetics, and presented forecasts for them in our report. The study revealed that color cosmetics market is growing at a rapid rate in comparison to other segments. Our comprehensive study also provides a brief analysis of markets for Hair Beauty Salon, Spa and Cosmetics Surgery that are an important part of the Indian cosmetics industry. With a view to understanding the industry’s competitive landscape and presenting its balanced outlook to clients, we have included an overview of the activities of key players like Hindustan Unilever, Marico and L’Oreal in the report, which will prove decisive for clients. COSMETIC MARKET SALE-2011 Others 23% Hair Care 20% Make Up 20% Fragrance 10% Skin Care 27% 2|Page Hair Care Market About 20% of all cosmetic products sold are for the hair. Shampoos make up the vast majority of this market since almost everyone uses shampoo. Other significant market segments include conditioners, styling products, hair color, and relaxers. Skin Care Market The range of products that are offered for the skin care market are much more diverse than the hair care market. Skin care makes up about 27% of the total cosmetic industry and includes skin moisturizers, cleansers, facial products, anti-acne, and anti-aging products. Of all the cosmetics, skin care products can be some of the most expensive with 2 ounces of product routinely selling for gt;$200. Women do not mind spending big bucks to keep their skin looking young. Make-up Market The color cosmetic market represents about 15% of the cosmetic industry and includes anything from lipstick to nail polish. Included are hings like blush, eyeshadow, foundation, etc. The array of products is vast and the number of color variations are practically infinite. You can spend a lot of time as a cosmetic chemist working on new shades of familiar products. The market is highly segmented so there isn’t really one dominant player. Fine Fragrance This market segment has really taken a hit in the last few years but it still makes up about 10% of the cosmetic industry so some companies are still making money. This is the highest profit segment of the cosmetic industry but consumers are fickle. Only a few brands (like Chanel #5) can last for a long time. Fine fragrances come and go like fashion and companies have to continue to reformulate just to compete. Other The â€Å"other† category represents 23% of the cosmetic industry and is made up of things like toothpaste, deodorants, sunscreens, depilatories, and other personal care products not yet mentioned. Actually, many of these products could fall under one of the categories already mentioned but the industry likes to keep them separated whenever they do stories on the various markets. 3|Page ORAL CARE According to a report from RNCOS industry research solution-In India, oral care segment holds a substantial share in the overall cosmetic market. On back of increasing awareness about oral hygiene, improving income, and high advertising expenditure by players, the Indian oral care market has shown stupendous growth. According to our latest research report, tooth paste and tooth powders hold the majority share of the market, and this is expected to remain the major sub-segment in future. It is estimated that the Indian oral care market will register a strong CAGR of around 14% during 2011-2015. As per the report, â€Å"Indian Oral Care Market Forecast to 2015†, there exists an immense potential for tooth brush market in rural areas. During our study, we also observed that dental health camps and free dental checkups have raised awareness about dental infections and diseases, especially in suburban and rural parts. The Indian Oral Care market is derived by analyzing and studying its subsegments including: tooth paste, tooth powder, tooth brush, and mouth wash. Besides, our extensive study also discusses why the markets for tooth paste, tooth powder, tooth brush, and mouth wash are growing in India and in which direction they are likely to move in the coming years. It also forecasts the share of oral care segments in oral care market As per scribd. com,the oral care category has a market for about 5000crore for year 2011-12 . Key Players-Hindustan Unilever and Colgate Palmolive. 93 per cent of the households reported some expenditure on toothpaste in 2009-10. The penetration of toothpaste was 95 per cent in urban households and nearly 88 per cent in rural households. The penetration of toothbrushes is much lower than that of toothpaste. Possibly, the index finger is a substitute for the toothbrush in many households, or toothbrushes last for over a year.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay Example

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are grabbing increasing attention given that the category includes AIDS, often labelled as the plague of our century. However, there are other important STDs that affect a large number of individuals and lead to disastrous consequences. These include Gonorrhea, Syphillis, Chlamydia, Herpes type II, Human Papilloma Virus (Warts), Hepatitis B, Trichimonis, Pubic Lice (CRABS). Different in origin, symptoms, treatment and outcomes, all these diseases share the way of transmission, where sexual intercourse is the primary vehicle.1. Prevalence of   STDs.The list of most important STDs has changed over time. Thus, syphilis was non-existent in pre-Columbian Europe. After Columbus’ trip to America, syphilis emerged as a devastating disease that used to plunder towns and villages, which gave scientists reasons to believe that it was brought over from the New World (Crosby, 1973, p. 124-126). In the 1960s the five most important STDs included gon orrhea, syphilis, granuloma inguinale, chancroid, and lymphogranuloma venereum (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004).According to the statistics publicised by the American Social Health Association, â€Å"more than half of all people will have an STD at some point in their lifetime† (ASHA, 2005). The same association estimates that one in two sexually active Americans gets infected with an STD by the age of 25, and one out of four teenagers per year will contract an STD. The compilation of reliable statistics is difficult since only a few sexually transmittd diseases including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis A and B have to be reported to the health authorities when diagnosed. However, these numbers show the prevalence of SDTs in contemporary society and demonstrate that this is a serious health issue that has to be addressed with adequate measures on prevention and cure.STDs are typically caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Physicians use antibiotics to treat S TDs cause by bacteria, but the problem is that the bacterium can develop a resistance to the medication, complicating treatment. Parasitic STDs are for the most part curable. The greatest challenge for humanity at this point is the viral STDs, including HIV/AIDS, as the virus tends to stay in the body for prolonged time periods without exhibiting any symptoms. Besides, â€Å"there are no known cures for viruses† (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004).2. Primary STDs.HIV/ AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) usually tops the list of concerns related to sexually transmitted diseases to the uniformly lethal outcome and unavailability of the cure. A person develops AIDS after contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that decreases the potential of the immune system to respond to infections and cancers. As a result, the host dies of a certain infection or cancer, although HIV can reside in the body for years without developing into AIDS.Gonorrhea is a curable bacterial infe ction and one of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases. The disease is found in both men and women, although in women it is more likely to reside without causing symptoms. The bacterium affects many organs, including vagina, cervix, urethra, throat, and rectum.Syphilis, formerly known as the French disease, results from the contraction of â€Å"a bacterial spirochete that bores into the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals† (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004). Syphilis develops in several stages, and it can take years before the disease reaches a stage in which it become incurable and leads to the death of the patient. In the initial stages it is treatable (NIAID, 2004). Syphilis begins with the appearance of a chancre, an ulcer that can appear both inside and outside of the body and thus often passes unnoticed by the patient, in particular due to its painless character. The secondary stage is characterised by the appearance of a highly infectious rash on the body. Afte r this the disease can transform into a latent process that will continue for years without causing any symptoms. Alternatively, syphilis can enter the tertiary stage which triggers â€Å"mental illness, blindness, other neurologic problems, heart disease, and death† (NIAID, 2004).Chlamydia is caused by bacterium that affects cervix, urethra, throat, and rectum. First reported in 1984, it â€Å"affects an estimated 35 million women annually† (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004). Chlamydia has a serious effect on fallopian tubes and can lead to infertility if not cured quickly. After treatment, Chlamydia can reside in the body for long periods of time.Herpes virus (Type II) is transmitted through sexual intercourse when the virus gets into the mucous on the genitals. As with most viruses, this one is incurable and can remain in the body for a lifetime without demonstrating symptoms (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004). According to the American Social Health Association, 90% of those infected with herpes do not know about their infection (ASHA, 2005). Alternatively, it can break into a rash or ulcer on the skin. Herpes virus is believed to pose little danger to the body and mostly leads to discomfort; however, contracting genital herpes simplifies HIV infection, and so couples in which one partner has this disease usually choose to use condoms to protect the other partner from risk.Human Papillomavirus (HSV) is another viral infection that can reside with the host without triggering symptoms. The most common symptom is warts, in particular genital warts. Recently, scientists established the connection between HSV and cervical and anal cancer, so contracting HSV raises the risk of cervical cancer in women. Among 80 and 100 strains of the virus, there are differing degrees of risk of causing cancer.Hepatitis B, like other varieties of hepatitis (Types A, C, D) leads to the inflammation of the liver, but differs from other types since it is contracted thro ugh sexual intercourse in 30% of the cases (STDs: Yesterday and Today, 2004). A person can recover from hepatitis without serious damage to health, although in many cases the disease can change into a chronic form or lead to a fatal outcome due to liver failure.3. STDs: Impact on Health.Many STDs, although not leading to fatal outcomes on their own, can lead to complications that will result in either death of the patient or permanent depression of a certain bodily function such as reproduction. Thus, untreated gonorrhoea in women can result in a PID, pelvic infectious disease, especially if left untreated for many years. PID results in the formation of scars in the fallopian tubes that can block the passage of the fertilized egg into the uterus. The consequence can be a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy in which the embryo implants in the tube, occasionally causing a miscarriage or even resulting in a fatal outcome. In men, gonorrhoea results in epididymitis, affecting the testicles, and/o r inflammation of the prostate gland.Similar effects appear in both men and women as a result of other STDs. PID is a common condition emerging in consequence of STD and can often lead to infertility. Untreated, the infection leads to the blockage of the fallopian tubes precluding the fertilization of the egg. Half of PID cases are attributed to Chlamydia (NIAID, 2004). Often this process is not accompanied with any symptoms or inconvenience, and thus the condition progresses unnoticed.Any other STD increases the risk of contracting HIV. For this reason, prevention and treatment of other STDs is important part of the efforts to reduce the spread of AIDS. Besides, measures that are part of the prevention campaigns against HIV, such as mutual monogamy (â€Å"having sex with only one, uninfected partner who only has sex with you†), condom use and regular check-ups are helpful against HIV as well as against other sexually transmitted diseases.4. Diagnosing and Prevention of STDs. Diagnosing and prevention of these dangerous diseases is an important issue in contemporary American society where high cost of medical services can isolate the uninsured portion of the population from regular check-ups necessary in order to prevent the development of the disease. The low level of concern among medical professionals is another problem. A national survey of US doctors indicated that less than one-third of physicians regularly checked patients for STDs (St Lawrence J.S. et al., 2002, p.1784). Screening for Chlamydia, a disease that can cause lasting damage to a woman’s reproductive system leading to infertility, is at a disappointingly low level, since â€Å"in 2003 only 30% of women 25 and under with commercial health care plans and 45% in Medicaid plans were screened for Chlamydia† (ASHA, 2005). Since early detection of the disease is often a decisive factor that determines the success of treatment, any program aiming to increase the effectiveness of a n anti-STD campaign has to concentrate on stepping up measures for early diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases. As stated before, regular check-ups can, for example, exclude deaths from syphilis that is treatable in early stages.Another part of efforts in combating STDs is to embark on an extensive prevention program. A study conducted by Alexander McKay in Canada in 2000 focused on the research of effective interventions methods aimed at prevention of HIV and other STDs. His research indicates favourable outcomes of behavioral interventions with â€Å"adolescents, street youth, STI clinic patients, women, heterosexually active men, men who have sex with men, and communities† (McKay, 2000, p. 95). The study aims at the development of a cost-effective method of STD prevention that will generate results in a cost-efficient manner. A successful prevention strategy, according to McKay has to take into consideration cultural factors and be conducted in a culturally appropriat e fashion. Activists are encouraged to draw on the involvement of peer educators and community opinion leaders, putting sizeable effort into the promotion of condoms and safe sex. Campaigning has to evolve on both communal and individual planes, targeting broad masses of people as well as creating individual sexual health plans.Another important area of fight against STDs is the research directed at the invention of new medications against these infections, as well as vaccines and diagnosis methods. Thus, a projected supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) targets the development of new diagnosis methods that will allow doctors to pinpoint with greater precision the stage of the disease (NIAID, 2004). Molecular biologists are investigating various parts of the spirochete bacterium in order to prepare a vaccine that will provide for more efficient prevetion of this STD. Researchers are also trying to replace the current common diagnostic test fo r syphilis that requires a blood sample with one that will examine saliva or urine.   The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ research on gonorrhoea focuses on several important issues, namely, â€Å"how this bacterium attaches to host cells†, â€Å"how it gets inside cells†, â€Å"gonococcal surface structures and how they can change†, and â€Å"human response to infection by gonococci† (NIAID, 2004). Dramatic improvements in treatment and diagnosis of STDs will be instrumental in stemming the spread of these diseases.ConclusionSTDs are a pervasive phenomenon in modern-day society that has come to the fore of public attention primarily due to HIV/AIDS. Although AIDS is by far the deadliest STD at this point, the impact of other infections should not be overshadowed by the AIDS epidemic, since STDs affect a large proportion of population and carry permanent long-term risks due to their frequently latent character. These infecti ons, caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancies and lethal outcomes. That is why efforts aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of STDs acquire increasing importance.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Malthus and Africa essays

Malthus and Africa essays Africa, being a third world country with much economic oppression, is currently being debated in the General Assembly about whether or not it should have population control. Many experts believe that, if not controlled, the rate of the increasing population of Africa will have disastrous effects. Over two hundred years ago, a man by the name of Thomas Robert Malthus wrote an essay on the effects of population and the food supply titled "An Essay on the Principle of Population." This essay dealt with the growth of population and if not restrained, how it would destroy man's subsistence here on Earth (Geyer 1). Much of what he wrote applies to not only Africa, but also the entire world today. Currently, the population growth in the Western Nations is approaching zero. This means that each family is having 2.1 children, enough to replace the current population. For North America to double, it would take one hundred years, for Europe, two hundred. But for Africa to double, it would take only twenty-four years. There are many factors as to why Africa, and many other third world countries, reproduces at such a rate. Lack of contraceptives, traditional values, high infant mortality, and poor education are a few of these factors (Duffey 2). "It is a lot easier for a country to deal with its problems if it has less people," says Brian Hailwel, who studies Malthus's theories (Kolasky 1). Carl Haub who stated, "It is almost impossible for a developing country to move from the Third World to the First World when their population is rising so rapidly" supports Hailwel's statement. Malthus believed that the evolution of mankind existed in cycles. Good times occurred when there were high wages and good living conditions, which led to early marriages and rapid population increase. Then come the bad times. Disease, low wages, and epidemics lead to population decrease and a restored balance between population and resources. This c...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing of service products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing of service products - Essay Example In his book Marketing Management, Philip Kotler (2000), mentioned that 21st century marketing is marked by companies that managed to're-design' all the rules of marketing. In exchange of spending thousands of dollars on expensive market research, those companies took advantage of all their limited resources, producing near to their customers' locations and creating more solutions that are satisfying their customers. "They built customer's clubs, engage in creative public relations, and focus on efforts to produce high quality products and win-over customer's long term loyalty", said Kotler. Those companies have proven that marketing is an ever-developing science, and it has a very important role on deciding the faith of a company There are several definitions of marketing but we can divide them into two important segments, which are social and managerial definition. According to the social definition, marketing is designed to provide customers with products and services they required, thus, several marketers believed that marketing is simply a way of increasing the quality of life. On the other hand, Peter Drucker, as representative of the managerial perspective stated that sales are not the end goal of a marketing process. He stated that the goal of marketing is "to have an understanding of the consumer in such a kind that products meet consumers' needs and sell themselves" (Kotler, 2000). Within this short elaboration, our goal is to describe techniques of marketing services and present a real example of application in a real company. There are several definitions of the core difference between products and services. However, most will focus on the fact that products can be seen and touched prior to purchase, while services cannot. Another obvious difference is the idea that most services require the consumer to be present when the service is performed while products do not. An example is buying a pair of shoes compared to purchasing a hair cut. Nevertheless, many outcome of a company cannot be differentiated as products or services. According to Philip Kotler, the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The past, present and future of standards in software engineering Essay

The past, present and future of standards in software engineering - Essay Example This paper will review the evolution of standard software engineering, and how users are affected by this evolution process. The advancement in technology is making it easier for these organizations to be more effective and more advanced. Standards in software engineering have reached a level where, anything is possible. The creation of programs that seek to identify all the would-be users’ needs has revolutionised the way things work in the modern world. Operations are carried out with ease. The effectiveness and precision with which these operations are carried out is growing (Mall 2009). Writing software, to some, is a profession from which they earn their living. Standards range from local invented, to international standards that help software be accepted globally. These are the de facto standards which enable people to operate software that is acceptable throughout the world. Government entities in the world approve of these standard-setting organizations. Some organizations have recognition that reaches the whole world when it comes to setting software standards. The International Organization of Standardization is one of the few. It is abbreviated as ISO. It is a representation of many international bodies. This progress has enabled software standards to have global acceptance (Puntambekar 2009). The evolution of software standards can incorporate the understanding of much more than local industries present in the world. At present, this demand is growing with each passing day. Therefore, soon enough, the future for software engineering will reach its peak (O’Regan 2012). This advancement will enable people to get extra work complete, while taking less time. This is what everybody wants because effectiveness is the aim of this progress. Through the ISO/IEC, many software standards are set and developed to help the global community get through some of the programs that exist. An example of standard in software is the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Learning In A New Academic Environment Case Study

Learning In A New Academic Environment - Case Study Example They often fail to recognize the challenges in communicating and making friends. Though language can be learned and cultures can be studied in advance, it is never the same when finally arriving on foreign soil. Customs that are important to youth and young adults are often not those that can be learned by reading a textbook or watching television. This is significant, as teens in the US have their own way of speaking and using language, which is very different from that of their parents. Often teens group even those in their social circles by specific categories. At first, I had no idea of the meaning behind many of the terms or categories. I attracted quite a bit of attention, though I did not know whether this was a good or bad think, until I began to learn how social groups worked in my age group. Even though most teens seemed to accept me, there were some that seemed unfriendly. Perhaps they were reacting to the ideas of foreign students that the learned at home. Maybe they were afraid they would not be able to communicate properly. It took me a while to realize that some racism does exist, though most teens and young adults are very accepting. Many are curious as well. Having never visited a foreign land, they find it interesting to meet a student who did not grow up in the US.... some sort of crime without knowing. I also had a fear that I would offend others, by saying something that I did not quite understand. This can happen quite easily when one does not understand the particular terms or meanings in teen phrases. I was fearful when I first began to make my own purchases. Even though I learned the meaning of various monies, I was always on the alert. There are those who will take advantage of others, if they think it is easy to do so. I found myself always counting money and adding my purchases several times before paying for them. At times, those behind me in line would become irritated, even making comments that were not so nice. American culture is different from that in Korea. Although academics and home life are much more structured in Korea, American life is lived at a much faster pace. This can explain the impatience of some. Learning in a new academic environment was the most daunting. Because my understanding and mastery of the English language was not yet complete, I found myself working harder. I had to stay focused on academic studies, while learning to speak appropriately at the same time. This is when I learned that speaking becomes more formal than in social groups. Teachers do not care for the manner and slang terms that teens use, though sometimes they try. School assignments require the use of proper grammar and English, which is often not used among teens in social settings. I am proud to say that I have learned to speak and write English fluently. My first Few months in the US were spent in observation. I watched how teens and young adults Interacted. I watched how teens interacted with adults. I watched

Friday, November 15, 2019

Icts Hotels In The Hospitality Information Technology Essay

Icts Hotels In The Hospitality Information Technology Essay The revolution in ICTs has profound implications for financial and social maturity. It has pervaded every aspect of human life whether it is health, education, economics, governance, entertainment etc. Dissemination, propagation and accessibility of these technologies are viewed to be integral to a countrys development strategy. The most important benefit associated with the access to the new technologies is the increase in the supply of information. The secondly thing would be it also decreases the cost of production. Knowledge is transmitted, produced, accessed and shared at the least cost. With the decrease in the transactional costs, there is also a decrease in the degree of inefficiencies. Thirdly it has overcome the constraints of distance and geography. ICTs have cut across the geographic boundaries of the nation states. Buyers and sellers are able to contribute information, specifications, production process etc across the national borders. It enables all to know the comparat ive improvement in the market economy. It leads to the larger markets and increased access to global supply chains. Fourthly it has led to more transparency. Networking and information sharing definitely leads to demands for greater openness and transparency. Whether you want to know the status of the central banks foreign exchange agency or the cost prize of potatoes in the local market, ICTs empowers the individual with the information access, which is transparent. Efforts are under way to integrate ICTs to all sectors and developmental activity. Tourism is one such potential area. Information Communication and Technology is one the most important and growing field that every company and almost all the sectors are adopting to simplify work and also to reduce man power. ICT plays a major role in Tourism sector so as considering the example of a hospitality firm. Tourism includes many sectors like transport food, accommodation, restaurant, cultural activity and leisure, so fit all these sector into one particular form there is always the need of advance focus and development of itself to fulfil the customer needs. Now a days tourism sector fully focus on customer satisfaction as people who wants to travel has become independent by fulfilling their requirements on their own than to depend on a third person to help them do the sufficient requirements. In this processes ICT acts as a fully fledged support and a user friendly thing that even a normal person has started using internet to run his routine. In the developing world internet is become peoples second brain and it makes most of the things for man. So this assessment focuses on the main contribution of ICT in Hospitality that is in Hotel Industry. Purpose The main Purpose of this assignment is to find out the role of Information communication technology (ICT) in hospitality tourism sector.ICT acts as the main source of any industries development and also adds up to the reduction of man power and time, it is also used as a source to reduce problems. Even though, little is known about the extent or level of use of ICT. The ICT has become the major consideration, as it has become the revolutionizing equipment of the hospitality Industry. This study will look into the prosperity for the adoption of ICT based facilities in the hospitality industry. This also covers the problems that impacting the adoption of ICT in hospitality firm. This assignment contributes and finds out these issues.   Findings: This finding says that almost 80 per cent of the businesses use ICT efficiently, mainly to provide information and improve service quality. In addition, some firms had already adopted very effective methods of using the internet for sales and marketing but ignored supply functions. We will be surprised to notice that ICT is seen as a way of enhancing personal service and that rather than a barrier, it is seen to promote quality of service. Moreover, the respondents did seem to have used ICT effectively to overcome the disadvantages of place. Objective: The main objective to be focused on the assessment comprises of all the following issues and factors that helps us understand the importance, development and the barriers of ICT in the tourism field, especially focus in a branch of it that is the Hospitality sector: The impacts of ICT towards Hotel industry The ongoing use and implementation in the particular field The major support and the main value of ICT The successful implementation of IT in hotel industry and its advantages The functioning of it towards marketing purpose and the way it support for the success of execution. The Impacts of ICT towards Hotel Industry: Hospitality industry is a highly information intensive industry, so information technology and communication has a wide impact in the particular industry. Information communication technology has created a new revolution in the world of tourism industry. The tourism industry is a big market in terms of the number of tourist visiting a particular place. It is stated that ICT has caused restructuring phenomenon (intermediation, dis-intermediation and re-intermediation in parallel) in the hotel industry. It proves that ICT has improved operating efficiency of hospitality industry as well as planning and booking experience of customers. ICT has a great impact in hospitality industry- it enables direct contact with customers/guests and improves effectiveness and efficiency of clients services. ICT provides new tools and also enables new channels, creating new business environment in the industry, requiring all new skills. ICT also makes the competition harder and so it demands a continuous investments on developing things and keeping it updated. In all these impacts there are two major areas which are highly influenced by ICT that is electronic commerce and revenue commerce Electronic commerce: This can be defined as a secure exchange of information: Business to business Business to clients clients to clients business to government business to client communication research to business  [1]   Notes: GDS Global distribution system CRS Central reservation system DMC Destination Management Company DMO Destination Marketing Organisation 2Traditional valve chain The value chain changes into a new concept as now a day it is focused just into internet that is almost most action depends on internet the value chain changes to: 3Internet based value chain Revenue Commerce: Revenue managements sounds like the top most management, but most hotels are small and medium sized so every employee acts as a revenue manager. So it is an important factor that every employee is provided with knowledge of revenue management at all levels of the hospitality industry The main goal of the revenue management is: (a) Maximise yield (price units sold) or minimise lost revenue per available product unit in view of average cost per available product unit; (b) Control availability of price products by customer revenue potential and forecast segment mix; (c) Control daily availability of price products lower than full price, based on unsold inventory, time left to sell and segment total demand.  [4]   To fulfil these objectives, tourism professionals need strong knowledge in areas as marketing, finance management, statistics, customer service principles and distribution trends. Implementation in the particular field: The use of computer its technology has vastly developed from 1980s to the year of 1990s. A survey given in 1980 said that a fewer amount of 10% were using computer technology. There were different surveys stating the usage of technology in hospitality industry in operating things efficient and making guest satisfaction. There are two factors that affect the use of IT in an accommodation establishment. First is the type of clientele and secondly the complexity of operations. Considering the type of clientele and their experience will be affected by technology, helps us to determine the level of automation in a hotel. There are different types of clients expectation different types of services. Business travellers consider more efficient type of services as they never want to spend time in any other thing than their work, so they appreciate speed of service and faster technology. Almost the other type of clients/guests prefers hotels where technology does not intrude into their vacation and leisure experience. The complexity of a hospitality field is also impacted by many factors and computer technology plays a major role. Larger the property, larger the technology resorts with many activities like golf, tennis, multi-restaurants and other benefits has gained a lot through IT technology. Hotel Size % using IT % high IT needs % agreeing IT enhances guest satisfaction Less than 100 rooms 89.4 28.9 70.2 101 to 300 room 96.7 43.6 83.2 Over 300 rooms 97.2 57.4 86.1 Different hotels use different technology to enhance their facilities and some of their applications are stated above  [5]  . Property Management System (PMS) Property management system is the main central computer which acts as the core functions of the hotel information processing. It maintains all details that describe the hotel, such as the size, type and the number of rooms, the rate applicable for rooms and other facilities, and also the details concerning the guest called the guest record or the guest history. This also includes various operations such as support and control and management of different outlets of a hotel that is front office, reservation, back office, food and beverage inventories, bar / shop takings, hotel staff salaries and wages accounting and also some of the managerial functions; in addition it acts as a hub in interconnecting the other systems of hotel. Property management systems (PMS) can run on different platforms and different software environments, depending on the size and type of a particular hotel, and the number of required instalments. As they spread more and more, it is the intension of Utell to con nect directly to them. They are grown up with a rapidly high ratio and still expected for a high level of growth. This is the ultimate solution to the no reservation on arrival problem and also increases the overall efficiency of a hotel. Hotels usually implement their PMS on an in-house computer. That does not mean that they should have an in house IT department to support it. Most of the PMSs are turn-key systems that can be used simply by anyone as it is mostly being handled by the hotel staffs. Property Management System acts upon the requirements of a hotel, for example a small hotel or a guest house (less than 100 rooms) can be handled with a single computer to store and process guest information and room data and also generate management reports. A medium size hotel (100 to 300 rooms), will need a local area networks with a small workstation installed in different departments. A file server is used to keep all the softwares and files to allow various tasks to be performed on the same time such as check in and check- out concurrently. For properties more than 500 rooms, an even main frame computer technology may be needed for frame computer technology may be needed for a heavy volume of transaction 6 Uses of ICT in hospitality sector: There are numerous places where the ICT is used in a hotel industry, this implementation of technology helps save time and also reduces man power. The PMS software, which is used in the hotel industry acts as the key point from which most of the hotel operations are done. The main functions are stated as: Check-in, check-out and guest accounting Guest History Room Management Hotel reservation CRS distribution Point-of-sales Food and beverage systems Back- office systems Check-in, check-out and guest accounting This process of checking in a guest can be made more efficient by the technology for information technology. The check-in actually means that a guest file becomes active or a new file is opened for a guest who check- inns without any reservation made before the arrival and following this process, a guest folio is being created. The PMS has a walk-in option for the guest without reservations. The main interfaces between the PMS and credit card verification systems in the banks are used to ensure that a credit card has sufficient funds for the length of the stay of a guest. After this process a guest is being registered officially and handover the key of the room that is assigned to him. There is a machine in the hotel lobbies that allows the guest to easily access to self check-in and quickly finish their process. These machines are connected to the PMS and are active after the guest swipes the credit card or also by the notion detector which detects the approach of the guest. All the process is being carried on in this machine without a front office staff interaction that is it greets the guest, guide them through the necessary procedures to check-in themselves, then assign a room and also issue a key for the room. They also have options to activate the energy management system that is the phone, and voicemails for the rooms. A self check-in machine is most of the time a touch screen and very rarely keyboard operated and this machine can be used by both the guest with or without reservation. Once a guest folio is created at check-in, then after all the charges made throughout the stay are posted to that folio either manually or electronically. Manual posting are done by back office staffs and electronic postings are done by software and hardware interfaces and done rapidly without any mistakes. The check- out procedure in a automated hotel do not require guest to pay in the front office neither it automatically transfers funds via credit cards that allows express self check- out, in which the guest folio is being presented under the door and the credit card is automatically billed if there is no discrepancies. PMS software also translates the bills into numerous languages used by hotels with a large international clientele. Guest History: Guest history is well known as database which all the hotels maintain as a part of PMSs work and it is a powerful marketing tool. After every guest checks out the room the guest information is placed into a guest history database by the PMS. This database contains all the information of the guest that is the preference during their stay and the consumption of things/ food or any other thing from the hotel during the stay, these informations are maintained for three main purposes, To enhance future marketing activities To facilitate future reservations To customize guests future visits  [7]   Room Management: The room management is a important component of PMS which tracks the status of the rooms, which helps the housekeeping to distribute rooms for cleaning duties. The typical room status followed by the PMS is occupied, vacant, dirty, clean, inspected and uninspected this allows the front office to allow the clean rooms and get the other rooms ready for occupancy. On every check- in and check- out, the room status changes accordingly. The status of the room can be changed by both housekeeping and front office, by the notification of housekeeping and also the housekeeping can do it by the PMS terminal provided in the housekeeping desk  [8]  . Food and Beverage Systems: This part of system controls the food and beverage stock that is necessary for the hotels daily operation. It also has the price of the item and its suppliers to act upon customer demands. Point-of-sale systems: This is a sub-system which comprises of payment handling that produces bills; this machine accepts various financial instruments from the guest, that is credit card, cash, guest cards etc. Back Office Systems: This is a set of systems that records all transactions and maintains the hotels account book on all the transactions made by date, month and year. Almost three years details are being maintained by this systems and the other records before three years are kept as a backup. This system wires the sales ledger, purchase ledger, purchase bills, accounts payable and general ledger. 9 Marketing and Guest History Housekeeping and room management Executive decision making Accounting night audit Reporting printer Self check-in Printers Guest folio Front Desk/Cashier Reservation PMS UPS Remote check-in The major support and the main value of ICT There are many other industries that support information technology, as they are also into a vast influence by this particular field. Tourism on a whole has a constant growth with the help of information technology. The advert of information technology launches new things to make everything new travel, tourism, hospitality, airlines, food industry and many more. The service industry is one of the major components of the global economy, particularly in the developed countries. This sector has accounted for a two third of the employment, so in the recent upcoming years hospitality industry get to pay the main attention, which is the main driving force of being the successful industry. The outstanding growth of hospitality industry can be related to the fact that their basic characters are highly compatible with the major technical source of innovation opportunities. Because of its advantage on the capability of the communication field and increased information channels, information tec hnology saves cost while increasing the output and the quality of most service productions. However, the main value added by the IT industry to the hospitality firms is not only limited to the supply side. As an example we could take an instant thing that ICT has reduced the need of the front office staffs, as interaction and time is saved where there are many ways that is made technologically than to use man power. In addition information technology supports and improves the hospitality industry, with its interaction with suppliers and users, which is major source of information for the industry. On the other hand ICT plays a vast role in recognising the completion advantages and its vital improvement accordingly to these innovation activities according of the industry. The successful implementation of IT in hotel industry and its advantages: The implementation of information technology in the hospitality industry is to a large extent changed and is properly planned and well managed. Now a days personal computers have been introduced and which even being replaced by mini- computer based systems. To be well effective the organization has to plan and implement with an overall long time plan. Once a strategic plan is being made, then the information technology plan has to be planned. This should include the clear role that technology will play in achieving the target of the Hotel. It is planned in a way that it comprises of the present and future plans of the company, so as to work in a well planned successful way. These planning help to implement a successful technology which adds advantages to the hotel by its advance technology. There are vast advantages of IT that can be stated in which the few are saves lots time, reduces man power, makes a guest happy for making things efficient and faster. The technological development is a gift to the upcoming hotels which plans a high income and a success. A computer technology in a hotel focuses on four main aspects, Speed: A computer technology is an electronic device which can handle and process hundreds of transactions in a fraction of time, which results in the quick completion of difficult tasks. Discipline: the implementing advantage is being taken for it to perform a same task again and again without any mistake and without any distractions Accuracy: it does what we really need and according to the command, as a result they do not commit any mistake and all the calculations are accurate. Capacity: the analysis of any in-depth process and large amount of data performance can also be made in less time instead of doing things manually  [10]  . The functioning of it towards marketing purpose and the way it support for the success of execution: Every department facilities a different advantage with the technology and the sale and marketing also has its own advantage from the implementation of IT sources. These systems store a large amount of information that helps understand the measures of accommodation and hospitality business. In particular it saves the guest information that helps maintain a data base of the guest profile providing information for marketing purposes, which is a strong marketing tool called pull marketing. Another important factor for marketing is the yield management, which has the record of past performance of a room and the hotel that is the occupancy level in a particular time or day of the year and set the optimum rates that will maximize the propertys yield management programme. SWOT Analysis:  [11]   Strength: Strength can also be advantage of the technology which is deeply discussed and explained before. Successful hotels are constantly trying to adapt new technological improvement to keep them updated and to meet the necessary needs of the customer or a guest. These days people are looking forward for more and more technological based things to save time on whatever they do. Business guest needs to access internet in where ever they are for their official purposes like emails during their business trip. They would even need video conferencing, when a company holds a business meet in a hotel, so when a hotel provides all the basic facility to keep a customer service and satisfaction in a high level then the strength of the hotel keeps increasing allowing more and more development of technology. The basic strength that can be added is the quality of work can be high. This also tent to reduce manpower and low the wages, which can produce a highly skilled human resources. It also allows us to follow the service standard. This helps to bring highly skilled professional as this needs knowledge to work in. Weakness: As the technology increases it also leads to some of the weaknesses which should also be considered when taking steps to improve, as the technology gives you all the things you need there is always a lack of practical knowledge and also a dearth of suitable candidates. Until the system tells you the name of a particular guest who is a regular customer to our property we dont try to remember as it is said to be technological. This field is a still developing field but not a developed field as it has a small number of adaptation in some countries. Lack of jobs is also to be considered in countries with more population. Lack of effective marketing and aggressiveness in the field work can also be a weakness. Opportunities: There are facilities to provide high quality information technology market. It also adds up by increasing the number of educated people working. It allows and helps the development of any developing countries by making them adapt the culture of IT. Upcoming international players in the market would also an added opportunities. Hotel industry is developing in recent days in a rapid speed with the advantage and opportunities provided by the information technology and communication. Threats: There is a minimum thread as many threats are being reduced by time and development. When a threat is being seen there is a development to rectify that threat but still in some hotels these are still lacking to be developed for example lack of data security systems. And the development of IT also concentrates in a few cities only. Large market can also be an abstract as it may need a huge concentration or field work. Conclusion: The use of information technology and communication has a vast influence in all the sectors and mainly in hospitality industry. These things are well discussed and given an appropriate values that would add advantages to the statements given. Hospitality sector is mainly into a high touch service- based industry requiring technology to put it forward. The readings clarify that the exact use of technology in this particular field can increase the efficiency and reduce cost on human and financial services can be funnelled into personal services. In these discussions we also come to know that the use of technology in a correct way can be used as a successful tool. The implementation of technology by the managers is a challenge for them in many areas of the properties, the appointments of talented staff to be professional is a very important factor to be considered. Hospitality technology is now increasing with the pace of keeping a new generation to the computer technology and its development. So this allows most of the users to be familiar with the development of new products. the hospitality once which depended only on human resources and which was a big challenge to face, is now investigating whether robotics technology fits into their industry. There are also many successful stories behind this argument. Information technology is becoming more and more advanced and occupying the industries with its fast growth, as it becomes common and most used in hotel and restaurants, it is no longer going to be represented by the competitive advantage, instead it would prefer managers who could be creative and can use technology and information it provides rather to work on their own. These issues are being as evidence now a day by guest history systems. This database must be analysed and turned into real knowledge to improve decision making capacity and the satisfaction of the customer. So as to conclude Hospitality industry is going to be the vision that is going to be successful in the future with the technological development of Information Technology and Communication.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre essays

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Bronte's Jane Eyre    Just as servants played an essential role in Victorian England, they also played an essential role in the novel Jane Eyre. Bronte uses servants in a variety of ways. For example the housekeeper is used to bring terror and utter rejection on Jane. The nursemaid is used to teach Jane to love and nurture without neglecting discipline. The housekeeper was most often a widow, working for her kin (Hill 119). Mrs. Fairfax falls under the category of the widowed older lady working for her kin (107; ch. 11). It is Mrs. Fairfax who responds to Jane’s ad and hires her (96; ch. 10). It is also Mrs. Fairfax who warns Jane before her wedding to Rochester that she should not trust him. Being the housekeeper as well as kin Mrs. Fairfax knows a lot about Rochester. She suggests that Jane "keep Mr. Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself as well as him" ( 263; ch. 24). Bronte uses the stern housekeeper in the novel to influence Jane. The stern and disproving Mrs. Fairfax signifies the distress and turmoil that is soon to take place with the pending wedding. The housekeeper was often a terror to other servants in the home, and is the character of many stories haunting (Huggert 33). Mrs. Fairfax adhering to her role as housekeeper attempts to stir terror in Jane about marrying Rochester by telling her to distrust him (263; ch. 24). We find that Mrs. Fairfax’s warning does indeed take a toll on Jane’s behavior toward Rochester. After treating Rochester coolly for weeks, Jane says, "Mrs. Fairfax, I saw, approved me" (272; ch. 25). The same kind of attributes are displayed by Hannah the housekeeper at Moor House. The same kind of close loyal bond is also displayed by Hannah. When Jane knocks on the door of Moor House , it is Hannah who answers and turns her away. Hannah’s loyalty to the family causes her to distrust strangers and attempt to protect their interests. She refuses to allow Jane to even speak to her mistresses (329; ch. 28 ). Jane continues claiming she will die if turned away. Hannah responds: Not you. I’m fear’d you have some ill plans agate, that bring you about folk’s houses at this time o’ night. If you’ve any followers- housebreakers or such like- anywhere near, you may tell them we are not by ourselves in the house; we have a gentleman, and dogs, and guns.