Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Black Death Has Long Term And Short Term Effects Of War

â€Å"A pocketful of posies, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down.† A common nursery rhyme that many probably don’t know relates to the Black Death. It’s interpretation goes like; a rosy rash was a symptom of the plague, posies of herbs which were carried as protection, sneezing or coughing another symptom, and finally all fall down.† Like most nursery rhymes the interpretation can be interpreted differently. What’s important is not how you interpret it but, that you tried to in the first place. Specifically focusing on England, the agricultural advances, famine, and economic problems due to war makes the already growing stress in England come to a boiling point. When the Black Death finally arrives it’s greeted by crowded cities with unsanitary conditions, war (disease on the battlefield is not great) and a population still trying to recover from the Great Famine. The Black Death has long term and short term effects in England that would chan ge: lower class, labourer service/money-rent (serfs/villeins), church view, and nobles. The momentum from these issues caused by the Black Death sparked Protestant Reformation ideas to begin which inevitably lead to the English Reformation. There were signs of stress growing in England centuries before the the Black Death. New agricultural techniques further developed in England during 1307-14 and again in 1345. These advances would allow for farmers and landlords to harvest more crop, which lead to a population increase. 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